2017 Proceedings

Pictures from TCF 2017

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TCF 17 poster

Click for binder (poster + grid of events)

The theme of TCF 2017 was Autonomous Vehicles:


TCF 2017 Keynote Speaker: Dr. Rajkumar

Prof. Raj Rajkumar is the George Westinghouse Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering and Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University.  He directs a number of labs at CMU, including the newly established University Transportation Center on Technologies for Safe and Efficient Transportation.  He was co-director of the lab that created the Autonomous Cadillac, which completed 33-miles through high-traffic suburban thoroughfares and two interstate highways.  He led the Systems Engineering Group for Tartan Racing, the winner of the 2007 DARPA Urban Challenge, a high profile autonomous vehicle competition.


Download Event Information

TCF ’17 Binder with Program Details (.pdf file)

TCNJ Map ThumbnailTCNJ Map of TCF Events (.pdf file)

Ed. Bldg. Map ThumbnailMap of Education Bldg. (.pdf file)

Keynote Speech

Theme Talks

Ham Cram Slides

KB6NU No-Nonsense Technician Study Guide

Regular Talks:

Risk Analysis of Autonomous Vehicles in Mixed Traffic Streams

Intel Galileo and x86 Small Board Computers

Advances in Sensor Technology for Autonomous Vehicles

Hands on Arduino Workshop for Beginners


The main goal of the workshop is introduce participants to electronic devices and basic circuit theory.

The Arduino is an affordable, flexible, open source microcontroller platform using a simplified C programming language and it is designed to make it easy for hobbyists to create homemade projects. Participants are expected to bring a PC and in order to save some time they are also encouraged to download the Arduino software ahead of time. Step by step instruction can be found at the website. https://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software

Things to Bring: A laptop computer with a USB port.

Background Required: Basic algebra for solving simple equations.

Intended Audience:  Anybody who is interested in electronics is welcomed.

Presenter Bio:  Katalin Frolio graduated with a Bachelor’s of Science in Electrical Engineering from The College of New Jersey (TCNJ) May of 2014. She currently works as an Electrical Engineer at Linearizer Technology in Hamilton, NJ. She is the chair of the IEEE Young Professionals Princeton/Central Jersey Section. She is also a graduate Electrical Engineering student concentrating in High Frequency Systems at Villanova University.